Monday, June 29, 2020

Thai Amulet Pra Pidta Ruay Tan Zai (Instant Wealth) Blessed by LP Sorot Yasotaro Black Version Waterproof Casing

Thai Amulet Pra Pidta Ruay Tan Zai (Instant Wealth) Blessed by LP Sorot Yasotaro

This lucky pidta amulet is depicted together with rooster which means prosperity, abudance. In many cultures Rooster represents great wealth and being used in many architecture, product, logo, designs etc

This pidta is encased in Waterproof Casing, and the back of the pidta is the yant kropetch yant (diamond armor) / protection yant which is a yant made famous by the late Luang Phor Parn Wat Bang Nom Kho which is a strong protection yant from black magic, evil spirit, and bad things / accident

This Pra Pidta Ruay Tan Zai give many positive feedbacks from our customers

Thai Amulet Pra Pidta Ruay Tan Zai (Instant Wealth) Blessed by LP Sorot Yasotaro With Yant Kropetch and Silver Longya Casing

Thai Amulet Pra Pidta Ruay Tan Zai (Instant Wealth) Blessed by LP Sorot Yasotaro With Yant Kropetch and Silver Longya Casing

Thai Amulet Pra Pidta Ruay Tan Zai (Instant Wealth) Blessed by LP Sorot Yasotaro With Yant Kropetch and Silver Longya Casing

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Whatsapp : +62 813 8191 3119

Thai Amulet Pra Pidta Ruay Tan Zai (Instant Wealth) Blessed by LP Sorot Yasotaro White Version Waterproof Casing

Thai Amulet Pra Pidta Ruay Tan Zai (Instant Wealth) Blessed by LP Sorot Yasotaro

This lucky pidta amulet is depicted together with rooster which means prosperity, abudance. In many cultures Rooster represents great wealth and being used in many architecture, product, logo, designs etc

This pidta is encased in Waterproof Casing, and the back of the pidta is the yant kropetch yant (diamond armor) / protection yant which is a yant made famous by the late Luang Phor Parn Wat Bang Nom Kho which is a strong protection yant from black magic, evil spirit, and bad things / accident

This Pra Pidta Ruay Tan Zai give many positive feedbacks from our customers
Thai Amulet Pra Pidta Ruay Tan Zai (Instant Wealth) Blessed by LP Sorot Yasotaro With Yant Kropetch and Silver Longya Casing

Thai Amulet Pra Pidta Ruay Tan Zai (Instant Wealth) Blessed by LP Sorot Yasotaro With Yant Kropetch and Silver Longya Casing

Thai Amulet Pra Pidta Ruay Tan Zai (Instant Wealth) Blessed by LP Sorot Yasotaro With Yant Kropetch and Silver Longya Casing

Visit and like our page : Facebook Hong Amulet Indo

Instagram : Hongamulet
Whatsapp : +62 813 8191 3119

Thai Amulet Pra Pidta Ruay Tan Zai (Instant Wealth) Blessed by LP Sorot Yasotaro Red Version Silver Longya Casing

Thai Amulet Pra Pidta Ruay Tan Zai (Instant Wealth) Blessed by LP Sorot Yasotaro

This lucky pidta amulet is depicted together with rooster which means prosperity, abudance. In many cultures Rooster represents great wealth and being used in many architecture, product, logo, designs etc

This pidta is encased in Silver Longya Casing, and the back of the pidta is the yant kropetch yant (diamond armor) / protection yant which is a yant made famous by the late Luang Phor Parn Wat Bang Nom Kho which is a strong protection yant from black magic, evil spirit, and bad things / accident

This Pra Pidta Ruay Tan Zai give many positive feedbacks from our customers

Thai Amulet Pra Pidta Ruay Tan Zai (Instant Wealth) Blessed by LP Sorot Yasotaro With Yant Kropetch and Silver Longya Casing

Thai Amulet Pra Pidta Ruay Tan Zai (Instant Wealth) Blessed by LP Sorot Yasotaro With Yant Kropetch and Silver Longya Casing

Thai Amulet Pra Pidta Ruay Tan Zai (Instant Wealth) Blessed by LP Sorot Yasotaro With Yant Kropetch and Silver Longya Casing

Visit and like our page : Facebook Hong Amulet Indo

Instagram : Hongamulet
Whatsapp : +62 813 8191 3119

Thai Amulet Pra Pidta Ruay Tan Zai (Instant Wealth) Blessed by LP Sorot Yasotaro With Yant Kropetch and Silver Longya Casing

Thai Amulet Pra Pidta Ruay Tan Zai (Instant Wealth) Blessed by LP Sorot Yasotaro

This lucky pidta amulet is depicted together with rooster which means prosperity, abudance. In many cultures Rooster represents great wealth and being used in many architecture, product, logo, designs etc

This pidta is encased in Silver Longya Casing, and the back of the pidta is the yant kropetch yant (diamond armor) / protection yant which is a yant made famous by the late Luang Phor Parn Wat Bang Nom Kho which is a strong protection yant from black magic, evil spirit, and bad things / accident

This Pra Pidta Ruay Tan Zai give many positive feedbacks from our customers

Thai Amulet Pra Pidta Ruay Tan Zai (Instant Wealth) Blessed by LP Sorot Yasotaro With Yant Kropetch and Silver Longya Casing

Thai Amulet Pra Pidta Ruay Tan Zai (Instant Wealth) Blessed by LP Sorot Yasotaro With Yant Kropetch and Silver Longya Casing

Visit and like our page : Facebook Hong Amulet Indo

Instagram : Hongamulet
Whatsapp : +62 813 8191 3119

Thailand Amulet Pra Pidta Nam Kway Phor Tan Sung BE 2535

Pra Pidta amulet created in 2535 by PT Sung, using the sacred putthakun powder from PT Mui one of legendary southern master mixed with holy buffalo milk which is chanted by PT Mui

Best in wealth fetching , wealth saneh,and strong metta mahaniyom

PT Mui once said that buffalo has helped human alot with its strength and human consumed their milk, which mean this material is very good aspect and meaning of wealth in life

Thailand Amulet Pra Pidta Buffalo Milk Phor Tan Sung Wat Don Tro BE 2535

Thailand Amulet Pra Pidta Buffalo Milk Phor Tan Sung Wat Don Tro BE 2535

Thailand Amulet Pra Pidta Buffalo Milk Phor Tan Sung Wat Don Tro BE 2535

Visit and like our page : Facebook Hong Amulet Indo

Instagram : Hongamulet
Whatsapp : +62 813 8191 3119

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